Zen Illumination


What does Oprah know that you don’t…

That Biological Age testing goes beyond a physical exam given by a doctor. It actually shows you how fast you are aging. Zen Illumination goes even further by testing key critical risk factors that if left untreated could kill you. You don’t have to be rich or famous to get the benefits of Bio-age testing. Just think how wonderful you would feel…being younger…well you can.

Zen Illumination Biological Age Test…

…is the ideal blend between Eastern and Western health care philosophies. Critical health care information is gathered and analyzed, and your subsequent biological age is determined…this is your personalized wellness profile reflecting where you are today.

What do we look at?

From the East…The Five Element Philosophy
The Five Element Theory helps you understand how nature changes within your body and in the outside environment affect your health. To predict and understand these dynamic changes, ancient doctors studied nature and through years of observation were able to determine what universal principles existed that could be applied to health and well being. The Five Elements – Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and their characteristics are theorized to embody all aspects of our natural world. Eastern Medicine uses this time-tested diagnostic model to analyze how the various parts of a person’s body and mind interact to affect their health.


Muscle strength, flexibility, efficiency


Cardiovascular System


Body fat & Saliva


Lung Capacity & Blood Oxygenation


Skeletal System

From the West…

…Zen Illumination then targets vital independent medical risk parameters using modern medical diagnostic techniques…

  • Weight: Obesity is a major contributing factor for premature death and disability.
  • Body Fat %: A direct measurement of Fat using a Tanita Impedance Scales calibrated to +/-2% body fat.
  • Blood Pressure: A critical risk factor that can lead to heart attack, stroke, blindness, and even kidney failure.
  • Cardiac Performance Analysis: Tests resting, 2 minute exercise, and recovery heart rates that reflect overall fitness.
  • CT scan Cardiac Calcium Scoring: Non-invasive scan that can identify Plaque in Arteries of the Heart.
  • Salivary pH: Evaluates potential hidden internal diseases or nutritional related stressors on the body.
  • Breathing Capacity Testing: Measures lung performance and tests for hidden asthma or emphysema.
  • Peripheral Blood Oxygenation Testing: Evaluates the ability to deliver oxygen to all organs and tissues.
  • Total Body Bone Mass: Reflects the total amount of bone in the body.
  • Bone Density Dexa Scan Analysis: Gold standard testing for Bone Hardness and screens for Osteoporosis.
  • Strength Testing: Biceps curl and grip strength.
  • Flexibility Testing: Modified sit and reach spinal flexibility and shoulder rotation testing.
    VO2 Max Testing: Evaluates the Efficiency of Muscle to burn Oxygen during exercise.

Zen Illumination then uniquely incorporates the medical parameters within the 5 element system and the result is your over all biological age…

Schedule your appointment today for your Zen Illumination Biological Age Test by contacting us at:
sara@zenwellness.com or call (623) 537-9443